Design law / Design patents law

Design application, design infringement, design, Community design, design invalidity, novelty and individual character

Two- or three-dimensional creations can be protected as registered designs or registered design patents. At an international level, this is also referred to as design law, which correctly also includes design copyright. In Germany, it is often referred to as ‘small copyright’.

As far as the territory of protection is concerned, you can choose between a German design, an EU-wide Community design or an international design application.

We will advise you in detail on the requirements for your design application: Novelty (whereby a grace period exists) and individual character.

We are also at your disposal in invalidity proceedings against a design.

Design protection for designs of any kind
Design applications
Design invalidity (before the Office or before the court)
Design licence agreements
General terms and conditions
Prosecution of infringements
Warning letters / preliminary injunctions
Defence against unjustified warnings

Graphic design contract
Illustration contract
Web design contract
Product design contract
Gallery contract
Advertising concept contracts
Advertising agency contract
Representation contracts

You have questions about design law?

The law firm Dinter & Kreißig will help you with all your questions. Contact us now without obligation.

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Affected are, for example: Design services by fashion designers, advertising designers, industrial designers or the design of consumer goods. In contrast to copyright law, design law grants protection regardless of the level of creation. It is sufficient that the design is new and has a different overall impression.

The design registered in Germany grants protection for 5 years and can be extended up to a maximum of 25 years.

At European level, there are two types of Community designs. The registered Community design is also valid for a period of 5 years (up to a maximum of 25 years) and grants protection throughout the European Union.
The so-called unregistered European Community design grants protection for a period of only 3 years throughout the European Union. Like copyright, it is granted without official registration. However, it must fulfil strict formal requirements, which must be proven in the event of a dispute.

Dinter, Kreißig & Partner advises and supports clients in the registration and enforcement of design rights, at national level before the German Patent and Trade Mark Office (DPMA), at European level before the EUIPO or at international level before the WIPO.

News in Design law


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